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The rules for organic garden
A perfect organic garden is the dream of everyone who does not like to eat healthy, fruit of the earth and cultivated according to the rules of natural and organic products? Let us see the rules and tips to create a perfect home organic garden, the products, the land, the rules for growing vegetables and combat pests naturally.

the soil
Give up fertilizers, herbicides and chemical products requires a good deal of commitment and dedication, but in nature we have all the tools to be an efficient and natural garden. The first step is to study well the composition of the soil, a careful analysis of the ground allow you to understand the Ph of the soil, its composition, any harmful agents present, exposure to wind, rain and sun. This will allow you to understand also what substances will be appropriate to incorporate to make the land more productive. We'll have to try to choose a spot with lots of sun and good drainage and avoid windy areas or water logging, plowing is a critical step we have to make the soil soft and fluffy, removing rocks, stones, weeds and clods. The soil and the plants should be fed only with organic fertilizers: manure, manure, compost, composts, peat.

natural fertilizers
Besides the classic manure there are many natural products that allow a good fertilization,  consists of comminuted biological fragments of animal origin, also dried blood and fish meal from the manufacturing of food products. The "green manure" consists in the cultivation of some herbs which are then cut and left to decompose on the ground help to enrich the soil of nutrients.

How to plant
And 'advisable to sow a large variety of plant species, it is important to keep in mind the characteristics of the soil and the geographical area in which you live, the variety of crops and their rotation used to increase fertility and yield of the land. The sowing must be done by making small holes and well spacing the seeds from one plant to another, the depth of the grooves depend on the type of soil.

The watering
Watering is a very important moment for our organic garden, the application of a "shower" or a spray  be able to recreate the effect of a gentle drizzle, also watering localized to drop, allowing a better effectiveness and a saving of water. The cooking water, rain water and the water that comes out while we wait for it to heat can be recycled for watering.

Plants Defend themselves against pests
When the need arises to combat pests and diseases we have to move towards cultivation techniques that tend to exclude the use of chemicals. A good technique is that of biological control by entering into the natural enemies (insects) of the parasites. But we can not avoid manual intervention by eliminating parasitic larvae and adult insects or eradicating invasive plants, there are also some bushes or plants that create a defensive barrier against invasive insects.


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