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Showing posts from 2014

Successful cultivation of Cabbage

Certainly, cabbage takes up the vegetable garden, but it also offers a lot. By choosing two or three varieties, and by staggering the planting, you can consume throughout the year. Brassica oleracea The species Brassica oleracea, in the family Brassicaceae, covers various forms of cabbage: cabbages which includes cabbages and Savoy cabbage, cabbage Kale (green cabbage or kale as kale) or still sprouts whose inflorescences are eaten as cauliflower or broccoli. Kale is also called winter cabbage; this is not trivial. Very cold hardy, can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C. Another advantage, it grows easily and is not frequently the onslaught of slugs. Like broccoli, offer to the sun and a humus-rich, fresh and deep soil. Cabbage likes more in a humid climate, with mild temperatures. Trickier, he asks the sun, but fears drought; he enjoys the water provided the soil is well drained. We distinguish varieties of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Sowing and transplanting Broccoli see...

How to start Organic Snail Farming

Open a snail farming is not a very common activity. Nevertheless it is a fast-growing sector. In fact, land snails are in great demand because they are considered not only a delicacy but also a food with important nutritional characteristics. The potential of a snail farming , therefore, are really high and create an entrepreneurial activity in this field can be a good investment. It is, in fact, a sector that guarantees good earnings and requires no special difficulties. The market related to this activity is, therefore, continues to grow. The interest in livestock production, in fact, has grown a lot in recent years. The business world of snails in 2010 reached 10 billion euros. Despite the crisis, therefore, the consumption of snails continues to grow from year to year. Here is a simple mini-guide on everything you need to know to start a snail farm. The snail farming for food sector is still not widespread in the business world and this is because often you do not know well the...


The rules for organic garden A perfect organic garden is the dream of everyone who does not like to eat healthy, fruit of the earth and cultivated according to the rules of natural and organic products? Let us see the rules and tips to create a perfect home organic garden, the products, the land, the rules for growing vegetables and combat pests naturally. the soil Give up fertilizers, herbicides and chemical products requires a good deal of commitment and dedication, but in nature we have all the tools to be an efficient and natural garden. The first step is to study well the composition of the soil, a careful analysis of the ground allow you to understand the Ph of the soil, its composition, any harmful agents present, exposure to wind, rain and sun. This will allow you to understand also what substances will be appropriate to incorporate to make the land more productive. We'll have to try to choose a spot with lots of sun and good drainage and avoid windy areas or water loggin...

Strawberries: Tips for planting, pruning and maintenance

Knowing the strawberry plant rose bushes and strawberry plants  is a perennial plant that is used for borders and ground cover to decorate the stains. Depending on the variety, flowering starts from the month of April, with white flowers, sometimes pink, more or less alive. The first strawberries grow in the year following planting. For varieties not re-bloom (Gariguette), making fruit takes place in May-June. The re-blooming varieties (Charlotte, Mount Everest, Master, Mara des Bois, Reine des Vallées), fruiting later (June-July) and over until frost. Planting  strawberries  planting of bare-root strawberries you from September to November, then from February to April. For potted seedlings, the planting is possible from September to May. September is the ideal month to plant strawberries: the earth is still hot and humid, and there will be a better rooting for the production of the following year. Choose a sunny exposure. For planting in the ground: • Digging the earth...

How to star a successful Vegetable Garden

THE GARDEN is not only a place of production of healthy vegetables, freschie tasty, but it is also an end but it is also a window on nature and its precious teachings. We learn to observe nature, to follow the evolution of plants, to know the terrain and variety to cultivate the best of our vegetable garden. The successful cultivation of vegetables depends mainly on the following four factors: - The sun exposure of your garden should be in full light - Water: horticultural plants need water to grow - The land: a medium-textured, fertile and draining - The human factor: that is not only arms and fatigue, but mostly common sense. Finally, there is another critical success factor: the weather, but this, unfortunately, we can not do anything. The garden should be comfortable and easy to reach. It should not be too far from our house. The walkways must unite all areas of the garden and be wide enough at least 40 cm.

How to Grow Saffron

How to grow saffron (in pots and in the garden) More 'about: saffron vegetable garden vegetable garden on the balcony We know saffron (Crocus sativus) as one of the most expensive spice and more delicate flavor of the world. Its high price mainly concerns the mode of its production and collection, which must be done manually in order to obtain a high quality product. Precisely because of the high cost of production, the European saffron cultivation is declining. In the world saffron is grown primarily in India and Iran. There are however some crops of saffron in Italy, affecting mainly the regions of Abruzzo, Sardinia, Marche, Umbria and Tuscany. In some cases takes place in our country the production of saffron DOP. The collection of saffron takes place in the month of December and its cultivation requires a very careful work, especially as regards the arrangement of the bulbs and the choice of the ground. E 'possible to grow saffron in the garden or in pots? Of cour...

How to Measure Soil Acidity

Most plants grow properly if the pH of soil is between 6.5 and 7.2. Soil acidity: concept ph The pH (or "potential hydrogen") measures the acidity or alkalinity of your soil if the pH is less than 7, the soil is acid; if it exceeds 7, the alkaline earth is, while a pH of 7.0 defines a neutral soil. However, some plants need an acidic soil to grow frankly correctly. This is for example the case of heather, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, camellias, magnolias, etc. Measuring the pH of the soil? Assessment in the native flora The observation of the natural flora provides a pretty good indication of the pH of a soil: Some plants report a field acid: gorse, heather, horsetail, buttercup, sorrel, sorrel, etc. Other plants reported limestone terrain, so alkaline: chicory, clover, marigold, etc. Analysis kits For a more accurate result, garden centers offer kits allow you to measure yourself very easily the pH of your soil. The use is very simple: jus...

How to Grow Peanuts

How to Grow Peanuts in Pots Have you ever tried to grow peanuts in the jar? Not everyone may know that peanuts belong to the legume family and that their growth, unlike other nuts - such as almonds or hazelnuts - is under the ground. You can grow peanuts in pots or in the garden. The peanut plants do not require a lot of attention and prefer a sunny exposure. Peanuts are consumed mainly toasted. The guests can use without the addition of salt to enrich the muesli breakfast and salads. They are rich in fiber, zinc, magnesium and vitamin E. To get the peanut butter made ​​at home, you will not have to do anything but blend them along with the food processor until the mixture is creamy. Place your jar of peanuts in the most of the sunny balcony, terrace or garden. The peanut plants can withstand frosts of autumn and spring pretty cool. But if you live in an area where the climate is mild, the advice is to put your pot in a sheltered spot during the colder months. In winter and autu...


GINGER We've already talked about the many nutritional properties of ginger, a plant aromatic-medicinal perfect for flavoring dishes and to make delicious herbal tea. Today we'll explain how to grow it in pots instead of the balcony. ALSO READ: How to grow tomatoes in pots or in the garden The procedure is quite simple: ginger, in fact, is a plant that requires no special care but only some small measure for its cultivation. It 'important that the temperature never drops below 15 degrees and that the plant has available to filtered sun, heat, humidity and rich soil, provided, however, that in the jar to avoid creating stagnant water. THE USEFUL FOR THE GROWING GINGER - Let's see how to proceed, step by step:      To start cultivation you have to arrange a rhizome, so are called the roots of the ginger, with some bud;      It is always good to choose organic rhizomes: the ones you find at the supermarket may have been treated with su...


Having your own vegetable garden on the balcony or in the garden is important: it will allow you to have fresh food, healthy, and grown without the use of pesticides. Why not try to enrich your garden with tomatoes? Growing tomatoes in the garden or on the balcony of the house is quite simple and, in general, the plant produces fruit about 40 or 50 days after sowing. Although native to tropical and subtropical areas of Latin America, the tomato is one of the vegetables symbol of traditional Italian food and Mediterranean diet and can be of different types. How to grow tomatoes in pots or in the garden TOMATOES THE PROPERTY 'NUTRITIONAL OF TOMATOES - Tomatoes are rich in water and have many nutritional properties important to the health and well being of the organism. They contain vitamins, fiber and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and calcium. If you do not have a vegetable garden or a garden, you can grow tomatoes in pots: you just need to grow the p...