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Which is the fruit or vegetable that grows fastest? (from the seed to the possibility of being consumed)

We need to eliminate all the fruits which grow on a tree, because it takes at least 1 or 2 years to the tree to produce its first fruit - apple, pear, peach, apricot, ... The strawberry grows in 3-4 months, but not directly from the seed. From a plant. Melon and watermelon grow in 3-4 months depending on the climate from the seed. In the tropics, it's more like 2-3 months. In the tropics, banana and pineapple can grow in 2 months, but also from a plant, not a seed. For vegetables, cucumber can make a fruit in less than 2 months in the tropics (it's a fruit, in botany). Lettuce can also grow in 2 months in summer. Or in the tropics. Stronger, the mache can grow even faster in summer, but it is grown especially in winter. Radish grows very fast. There is even a variety called "18 days radish". Finally, the fastest of all, it is the shoots of soy, mung bean or other, which take between 2 and 5 days.


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